Pair With Your Vaporizer
Bluetooth LE Connectivity
Vapeix UpLink effortlessly connects with a Vapeix Powered vaporizer using SmartPhones that support Bluetooth LE accessories. It’s simple to pair up a single device, or even multiple devices, so that you can manage them all within a single app.
Support for Multiple Brands
UpLink can support multiple brands of devices so that you have the freedom to choose between supporting brands and models.

Visualize Your Usage
View Usage Charts
Privately monitor your hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly consumption with the built in reporting tools. Reports can display puff quantities, length of puffs, and when applicable, can estimate nicotine consumption. Overlap reports to compare changes from day to day, week to week, or month to month.
Battery Health Adviser
Get a glimpse of your battery levels and charge times with a full suite of reporting widgets. Monitor your batteries health status based on charge time changes and determine if your battery has ever over heated from internal temperature sensors. The battery health adviser also helps to provide better information for remote diagnostics, via the built-in help desk and support features.
Vapeix UpLink Core Features

Plug into the Vapeix Cloud
Unlock the features of your Vapeix Powered device with the Vapeix UpLink App to customize the supported features of your device. With the power of the Cloud, you can track your activity and supply levels so you’ll never deplete your consumables too soon again.
Compatible with Android and iOS.
Android OS
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Vapeix Powered
Check for the logo on your next vaporizer purchase to ensure your device is compatible with the latest Vapeix features!

Interested in joining the beta? We would love to work with you!